Why Are Flexible Workspaces Trending In India?

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A form of workspace that offers staff members a range of options for where and how to work. Workers in flexible office environments have the freedom to choose the section of the office that best suits the type of work they are currently doing, as opposed to typical workplaces with fixed and assigned desk positions.

Flexible workplaces can be readily scaled up and down to fit shifting corporate objectives, or they can be easily reconfigured. To give teams the freedom to work where, when, and how they choose, these types of dynamic office spaces are often created to be utilized in conjunction with flexible working arrangements.

A shared office space, or flex space, is another name for a flexible workspace. A workstation that offers a variety of inventive desk arrangements is known as a flexible workspace. Forms of workspaces include Hot desks, open offices, collaborative coworking spaces, and more. 

As a tech-based workspace aggregator, we undertook a few key initiatives to capitalize on the term “flexibility” in terms of location, type, customizable options, and duration to meet your workspace requirements

Statistics on How Widespread Flexible Workspaces Are:

1. Predict that 30% of all office space will be shared workspace by 2025.

2. The global flexible workspace market is anticipated to expand from $26 billion in 2019 to $77 billion by 2030.

3. Currently, there are 4000 spaces in India which will grow to 20,000 in 5 years.

4. In 2020, 3% of total commercial real estate is with coworking space, In 2022 it is 8%, and future growth is predicted to be 25% in the next 3-5 yrs. Due to the trend for flexible workspaces, possessing a traditional office space, which was once a high priority for smaller enterprises to appear established, is no longer a stress issue.

Reasons Why Flexible Spaces are Increasingly Gaining Popularity

1. Increased Productivity
2. Cost Savings
3. Scalability
4. Easy Networking
5. Attract New Talent
6. Centralizes Resources
7. Foster Creativity
8. Remote Working Options

1. Increased Productivity

Flexible Workspaces - Increased Productivity

The choice of working in whatever environment best matches their needs are given to employees. This raises employee morale, making them more productive and less likely to take unneeded sick days.

In order to provide alternatives with a variety of amenities, such as a cafeteria, in-house events/parties, recreational facilities, private cabins, and more, for a quick retreat to boost employee productivity, we have an empanelled network of space operators with us. We offer managed and customizable workplaces so that you can create them according to their needs and make them flexible.

This can further enhance employee engagement and productivity. We use our experience to create scalable, sustainable office interiors that ultimately improve performance for businesses by retaining employees and boosting efficiency.

2. Cost Savings

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Businesses might save money by forgoing the leasing of a conventional office location. When a company is choosing between potential workspaces this is frequently the most important consideration.

We benefit you by providing cost-optimistic solutions with low operating costs and no lock-in contracts. We maintain compliance while doing a legal assessment, adhering to standards, and taking safety steps. Because flexibility is what we emphasize most, we provide “Plug and Work” facilities, which means that we give you plug-in offices so that you can move in right away. This can help you save CAPEX and save OPEX with no setup fees.

Our workspaces have top-notch amenities and the best facilities. We provide clients with cost-effective solutions to reduce their operational costs as all basic requirements are satisfied. To reduce travel time, we also offer workspaces with simple connectivity and access. The cost of your lease is also lowered as we offer flexible offices closer to maximum occupancy.

3. Scalability

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The most flexible office designs enable quick-moving businesses to grow during expansionary periods or reduce size when fewer employees are commuting to the workplace. Designing socially distant office layouts, a major difficulty in assuring the safety of employees as they enter the workplace benefits from dynamic spaces that are simple to modify.

Flexible workspaces provide greater accommodations with extra space and seating options as the company grows. Businesses can easily change the amount of space they need as required. As a result, it also lessens the risk associated with being required to sign a lease, which is sometimes the biggest challenge for small businesses.

Along with the customization and flexibility benefits of hybrid, on-site, and remote arrangements, you can profit from the best, most useful, and most appropriate office setups. We provide you with end-to-end solutions while also supporting your expansion and scalability.

4. Easy Networking 

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There are many different kinds of flexible workspaces, but coworking—where employees from several companies share a workplace is one of the most popular ones. As it fosters a sense of community and collaboration, this is frequently observed in start-up hubs or incubators. This provides networking benefits.

One of the most efficient and economical ways to develop and convert sales prospects is through business networking. Your business will have the necessary competitive advantage in the current market. And as part of our flexible workspace system, workspace aggregators like us offer you the best coworking-style office space so you can network with other companies who are just as ambitious as you.

5. Attracts New Talent

Attract New Talent - Unconventional Workspaces - Stylework blogs

Additionally, companies are beginning to understand how crucial a flexible office design is for long-term productivity gains, collaboration, and talent attraction. Utilizing coworking spaces allows organizations to access a global talent pool. If the talent’s location has a weaker currency, this aspect might also benefit in terms of price.

Flexible workspace layouts not only aid in recruitment but also increase employee retention rates because employees find it appealing to work in an environment that is intelligently designed for them and that offers a variety of amenities and cutting-edge infrastructural facilities. And our interventions in terms of workspace layout and design initiatives have sparked the recruitment process for clients.

6. Centralizes Resources

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People have a natural tendency to keep their office supplies on and near their workstations when they are confined to a single location. These resources are centralized in a flexible location and are accessible to anyone who requires them.

These shared resources might include specific items, such as office supplies, printers, and snacks, as well as complete regions, like conference rooms or casual common areas. We help you with various alternatives, such as conference rooms, open desks, dedicated desks, board rooms, hot desks, virtual offices, breakout rooms, recreational facilities, a cafeteria, meeting rooms, private offices, and much more.

7. Fosters Creativity

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It is simpler for employees to accomplish their goals when they are supported by an office design that encourages creativity and adapts to their changing demands throughout the course of a project or a day.

At Stylework, we offer flexible alternatives for your workplace needs and factory setups to adapt the space to your demands with more recreational facilities to encourage creativity and thought processes among employees that they would not have otherwise gotten had there been a typical setup.

8. Remote Working Options

Remote Working Options - Stylework Blog

Flexible workplaces allow employees to work from home or in remote locations where they can focus, meet with other team leaders in a relaxed shared environment over coffee, or operate completely remote for a day or two. Employees can take their time and complete their best work in a well-designed flexible office.

The majority of organizations have changed their workstation arrangements, improved their standard precautions, and added new one-way systems in response to social distance standards. Flexible office layouts enable teams to simply spread out over a larger location or work remotely, assisting organizations in meeting this particular difficulty with the least amount of interruption possible.

The workplace is evolving. Our working methods are evolving. Above all, how we think about work has changed, as well as how and where we perform it. Future workplaces will need to be flexible and adaptable to meet the new and unanticipated difficulties that are popping up more frequently in our society.

A real estate plan that calls for “flexible space” means that you can be flexible with your employees as well as with lease terms, workplace size, and operating capability. Wherever and however businesses decide to go with COVID-19, there will inevitably be a tendency in the workplace toward a more flexible work environment.

Flexible workspaces are not just popular right now; they will remain so. It’s not surprising that flexible workspaces are gaining popularity given the growth of the gig economy and the number of companies searching for methods to be more flexible.