The Ultimate Guide to Managed Office Spaces: Choosing the Right One for You

managed workspace with Stylework

A managed office space is similar to a blank canvas that needs to be painted; the tenant must contribute more to personalising the space in terms of design, furnishings, layout, etc.

Managed office spaces are therefore purpose-built offices that give potential business tenants a chance to have a lot more control over their working environment.

When it comes to employee recruitment and retention, the workplace environment can make a difference as businesses compete for top talent.

Companies are starting to set up and manage their offices with a hospitality mindset in order to guarantee a pleasant workplace experience and a productive, engaged team. 

The ideal setting and area can significantly impact your company. Stylework assists you in choosing flexible workspace solutions that advances your objectives and mission.

What is Managed Office Space?

managed office space

A managed office is an empty workspace available for lease to companies and can be tailored to the company’s needs. A managed office is run by a third-party provider who sets up the space in accordance with the requirements of the tenant.

The workspace provider will take care of all the intricate details, including desks, storage options, office branding, and other options, prior to the tenant’s move-in date. 

In addition, managed offices have more flexible lease terms than regular offices. A managed office rental provides a secure, customised workspace with no additional fees.

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Managed Office Space vs Serviced Office Space

Although the terms “managed office” and “serviced office” are frequently used interchangeably, there are some minor distinctions between the two. It’s easiest to think of a managed office as a combination of a serviced office and a typical office.

A managed office allows businesses more control over the space they occupy. Even while it takes more work to arrange for furnishings, utilities, and business services, once everything is done, the company has more operational freedom.

Also, it means that you are free from having to share any facilities or services with other businesses as in the case of serviced office spaces. 

Serviced offices are appealing to small businesses because they provide a simple, adaptable, and practical office solution, together with excellent customer service and convenient access to amenities.

And because you are not required to share your facilities or spaces with other companies, managed offices also provide greater privacy and security than serviced offices.

How Managed Offices Boost Business Security?

There are many benefits of managed workspace on business security, it provides a tailored, flexible, and scalable solution for businesses. Managed office spaces provide dedicated space for your company’s operations and tech-enabled spaces.

It indirectly increases the productivity of your company since, if you want your team to be more productive, it may all come down to the layout and atmosphere of your office. 

The layout of office furnishings and equipment, the office design, recreational facilities, and the general vibe of your company will always be crucial. With Managed office spaces you will have full control over privacy and security issues and help you develop brand identity.

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Here are the 5 Tips to Choose Managed Office Space 

Here are some parameters to consider to choose the right office space for your business-  

  1. Location 
  2. Cost
  3. Infrastructure
  4. Design and layout
  5. Size

1. Location 

The most important consideration when picking an office is the location. It is a crucial factor in selecting any real estate. And  more importantly, for an office for the simple reason of employee convenience.

Everyone appreciates a location that is convenient for commuting and has easy connectivity to the city. An ideal site, or if not a desirable one, at least one in a commercial district that is relatively near to eateries and transportation, a safe and secure property in a marketplace should be chosen. 

2. Cost

When choosing a workstation, price is a deal-breaker. Office space leases can be very expensive, and it can be challenging to find an excellent office space for a reasonable price.

Yet, the price is a key consideration when choosing a workspace and shouldn’t be ignored because, in the end, office space can only do so much to help your company succeed. By picking an affordable office space that is appropriate for your company, you can reduce the impact on your profitability.

3. Infrastructure

For certain businesses, this function is more crucial than for others. Internet connectivity is frequently included in the rent of some offices, especially managed or serviced offices.

These days, in addition to providing the workspace and internet, workspace providers also offer telephone communication, sanitary, floor keeping, maintenance, and postal services.

Furthermore crucial are the dependability and quality of the services. Paying for a service that is frequently interrupted or falters under the strain of a particularly busy day is pointless.

4. Design and layout

The design and layout should be commensurate with the business. Well, however in the case of managed office spaces, this is not an issue as there is a scope for customization.

So, businesses have one less thing to worry about as the design can be tailored by the managed workspace providers as per the needs of the company to create ideal workspace.

5. Size

The size is particularly important and is significantly influenced by location and price. Both, choosing a very large space or a compact space can be a problem.

Big office space can either take a toll on your pocket or location. At the same time, a very small space can impact productivity, accommodation, and brand. So try to choose an ideal space that strikes a balance across all the parameters.

For all kinds of enterprises wishing to design a unique space, a managed office provides a great alternative. In addition to other workspace kinds, Stylework deals in managed workspaces too. It has managed offices across Tier 1 and Tier 2 cities all across India.

We leverage our expertise to design and build scalable and sustainable office interiors as a part of our managed office services that ultimately drive better performance through employee retention and increased productivity.

We provide instant managed offices as per your specifications, all you need to do is provide a thorough specification, covering all the necessary office amenities and budgets, which will then be brought to life.

So, find your ideal managed workspace that works for you with us that empowers the hub and spoke model and monitors the overall managed workspace system.